Wagga Wagga High School

Learning together for the future.

Telephone02 6925 3611



The Mathematics department at Wagga Wagga High School have produced these booklets to help parents and carers to support their children with their homework or classwork where it involves numeracy. This booklet is designed to show you the basics of numeracy and how numeracy is taught at WWHS.

Numeracy across the curriculum

Numeracy essentials

The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. 

By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.

The syllabus consists of the following strands:

  • number and algebra
  • measurement and geometry
  • statistics and probability.

In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:

  • Mathematics Extension 2
  • Mathematics Extension 1
  • Mathematics Advanced
  • Mathematics Standard 2
  • Mathematics Standard 1
  • Mathematics in Trades



Mathletics is an online resource
suitable for use within the classroom and at home. It is particularly useful for revision before examinations.

All students at WWHS
have access to Mathletics. Their
login information is pasted into the
front of their mathematics books.




Mathematics Year 7/8

Students are actively involved in learning, doing and using mathematics to solve problems.  Opportunities are provided for students to explore, manipulate, estimate, calculate, draw, measure, abstract, describe and deduce in the search for patterns and relationships leading to the development of concepts and generalisations. 

Through a range of activities, students learn mathematical skills in problem-solving, Geometry, Measurement, Statistics, Number and Algebra.

Assessment is carried out by class assignments, open-book assessments and formal examinations which may include common components across classes. The non-calculator component in the formal examination is common across all courses.

A scientific calculator is essential. (These are available from the Front office at a cost of $20.)

Mathematics Year 9/10

In Years 9 and 10, students are placed in one of three courses depending on their ability. The three courses are Stage 5.3 (Advanced), Stage 5.2 (Intermediate) and Stage 5.1 (Standard). In Stage 5 Mathematics students continue to build on their skills in each of the strands (Working Mathematically, Number, Patterns and Algebra, Statistics, Measurement, Space and Geometry).

The depth of study incorporating the process of questioning, reflecting, reasoning and proof depends on the course of Mathematics being studied. Students will be given the opportunity to solve meaningful and challenging problems in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts to develop their "mathematical thinking, understanding, competence and confidence in the application of mathematics."

Assessment is carried out by class or course assignments, open-book assessments and formal examinations. The non-calculator component in the formal examination is common across all courses.

It is important to note that:

  1. a scientific calculator is essential (These are available from the front office at a cost of $20.)
  2. the ACE class is independent to the ACE class for other subjects and follows the Stage 5.3 Mathematics course.
  3. the level of Mathematics studied in Years 9 and 10 may affect or limit a student's choice of Mathematics course for the HSC.

Mathematics Year 11/12

Mathematics Standard 1: Mathematics in Trades  


The Mathematics in Trades Pathway (MITP) is an initiative of the Apprenticeship Engagement Forum and three partner high schools in Western Sydney.

It aims to:

·         Ensure students can achieve workplace numeracy requirements as required in the Australian Core Skills Framework.

·         Ensure students achieve all Year 11 foundational outcomes (ä outcomes) of Mathematics Standard course and all outcomes of the Year 12 Mathematics Standard 1 course.

·         Support students to ensure they are confident, capable and successful apprentices with proficient and practical numeracy skills.

Areas of Study:

·         Financial Mathematics

·         Statistical Analysis

·         Measurement

·         Networks

·         Algebra

Standard Mathematics 1 and 2

There are five areas of study which integrate mathematical skills and knowledge across other subject areas studied in Stage 6. The course provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of and competence in further aspects of mathematics through a large variety of real-world applications for concurrent HSC studies, such as in vocational education and training courses, other practically oriented courses, and some humanities courses, and for vocational pathways, in the workforce or in further training.

The 5 areas of study are:

·         Financial Mathematics

·         Data and Statistics

·         Measurement

·         Probability

·         Algebra and Modelling



Mathematics Advanced

This course is designed for those wanting to study mathematics at University. Those students wishing to study significant levels of mathematics at University are advised to speak to the Careers Adviser and Head Teacher of Mathematics for further advice.

Course Requirements: A scientific calculator is essential for any student studying a Mathematics course.  A nominal fee is charged to cover the purchase of an online Mathematical revision and practise program.

Areas of Study in the Preliminary Course:

• Basic arithmetic and algebra
• Real functions
• Trigonometric ratios
• Linear functions
• The quadratic polynomial and the parabola
• Plane geometry
• Tangent to the curve and derivative of a function

Areas of Study in the HSC:

• Coordinate methods in geometry
• Applications of geometrical properties
• Geometrical applications of differentiation
• Integration
• Logarithmic and exponential functions
• Applications of calculus to the physical world
• Probability
• Series and series applications

Mathematics Extension 1

Students must understand the commitment needed to ensure success in this course, as lessons are often held before and after normal school hours.

Areas of Study in the Preliminary Course:

• Further trigonometry, geometry and harder applications of Preliminary Mathematics course
• Angles between two lines and other inequalities
• Internal and external division of a line
• Parametric representation of a parabola
• Permutations and combinations
• Polynomials

Areas of Study in the HSC Course:

• Methods of integration
• Projectile motion, including velocity and acceleration as a function of x
• Growth and decay
• Simple harmonic motion
• Inverse functions and inverse trigonometric functions
• Induction and harder applications of the HSC Mathematics course
• Binomial theorem and further probability
• Iterative methods for numerical estimation of the roots of a polynomial equation


Mathematics Extension 2

This course is designed for students who have a special aptitude for mathematics and have excelled within the Extension 1 Mathematics course. Only students who have demonstrated a high level of success within the Extension 1 Mathematics course should consider attempting this course.
Only students who have demonstrated a high level of success within the Extension 1 Mathematics course should consider attempting this course.

Areas of Study:

• Graphs
• Complex numbers
• Conics
• Integration
• Volumes
• Mechanics
• Polynomials
• Harder Mathematics Extension 1 topics

Mathematics Homework Policy

It is the Mathematics Faculty Policy, in line with the School Policy, that homework is given after each Mathematics lesson. When a student revisits material presented in class a short time after the initial exposure to that concept educational research has shown that they significantly increase their chance of both understanding that concept and committing it to their long-term memory.  If a student is struggling with either the understanding of, or the “time management” necessary, to complete set homework then they are advised to either discuss this with their teacher or attend the weekly Mathematics Homework Centre to get support. Should a student be unable to complete set homework, for some unavoidable reason, it is expected that they will be provided with a written note explaining this reason. It is suggested that this note be written into their workbook thus avoiding the likelihood of the note being lost.

The following gives an indication of the time a student should be allocation to complete set homework:

Year 7/8          20 mins.

Year 9/10        30 mins.

Year 11/12      40-60 mins.

Should a student be unable, for some reason, to complete all the set homework in this time indicated above then they should present to their teacher a written note explaining the reason. Otherwise their teacher may instruct them to attend either a lunchtime detention or the Mathematics Homework Centre so their uncompleted homework can be completed.

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for the curriculum, Kindergarten to Year 12, for all NSW schools.

For the high school years, NESA develops syllabuses for all subjects in 8 key learning areas:

  • creative arts
  • English
  • human society and its environment (HSIE)
  • languages
  • mathematics
  • personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE)
  • science
  • technological and applied studies (TAS).

NSW schools also offer special religious education and special education in ethics via approved providers, where available.

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for the curriculum, Kindergarten to Year 12, for all NSW schools.

For the high school years, NESA develops syllabuses for all subjects in 8 key learning areas:

  • creative arts
  • English
  • human society and its environment (HSIE)
  • languages
  • mathematics
  • personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE)
  • science
  • technological and applied studies (TAS).

NSW schools also offer special religious education and special education in ethics via approved providers, where available.

Mathematics Resources

Textbooks  Years 7-12

Access is via the Mathematics google classroom sites    

Past Papers – use this resource to prepare for upcoming exams

Access is via the Mathematics google classroom sites

Calculator Policy     

Useful Sites

Mathletics  (you need a user name and password.)

https://www.mathletics.com/au/ This helps you practice the work that you do in class.

Board of Studies Syllabi – use this for reference, past HSC papers and formula sheets.

http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_sc/ Year 7 – 10

http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/syllabus2000_listm.html HSC

Other resources that you may find interesting or helpful.

AAAMath.com - http://aaamath.com/

nlvm.usu.edu - http://nlvm.usu.edu/