Wagga Wagga High School

Learning together for the future.

Telephone02 6925 3611


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

The school is led and managed by the Principal Mr C Davies. Because of the size of the school, however, there are many other people who assist him with his work.

There are three Deputy Principals. Mrs D Fellows is primarily concerned with the wellbeing of the students and deals with discipline matters of Years 7 and 10. Mrs S Balchin is mainly concerned with the subjects that are taught within the school and the way in which they are taught. Mrs Balchin deals with the wellbeing and discipline matters of Years 9 and 12. Mr Gunter is responsible for attendance and deals with the wellbeing and discipline matters of Year 8 and 11. 

The Head teacher Administration, Miss Germantse assists the Principal and Deputy Principals with school management and is responsible for careers, the library, EALD, examinations and rosters.

There are thirteen Head Teachers who are responsible for the administration of their particular faculty areas. This includes the teaching within that area and the discipline of students within that faculty. Parents should feel confident in contacting Head Teachers regarding student performance in the faculty. 

English  Mrs M Lucas (Rel)

Mathematics  Mr M Chittick

Science  Mr G Curry

HSIE  Miss N Woolnough

Administration & EALD Miss H Germanste

Technology  Mr S Trenaman

Vocational Education  Mr S Cowell

Creative Arts  Miss K Coates

PD-Health-PE  Mrs M Brown & Mrs K Lawson

Special Education  Mrs A Baker

Learning Support Mrs K Smith

Welfare  Mrs L Murray

Cultural & Community Miss T Schreiber

Each year group has a Student Adviser who oversees the progress and welfare of all students in their Year. The Student Advisers for this year are:

Year 7 - Mrs M Maginness & Mr J Wiscombe

Year 8 - Miss M Daymond & Mr S Cox

Year 9 - Mrs R Heckendorf

Year 10 - Mr J Harris

Year 11 - Mr C Campbell

Year 12 - Mrs Dare

Our school counsellors are Mrs Lean (Mon/Tue/Wed) & Mrs Scerri (Thu/Fri), they are trained to help students and their parents deal with problems that are causing concern. Students may approach her directly or through their Student Adviser, Mrs Murray or Mrs Smith. Our counsellors may also refer students to other sources of help when necessary.

All students will meet the Teacher Librarian, Miss K Hilton. Some of you will also work with the  Learning and Support Teacher, Mrs Smith and possibly one or more of the school's teacher's aides. As you move into Years 9-12, you will have increasing contact with the Careers Adviser Mrs Fellows. The Careers Room is on the top floor of A Block, just next to the Ted Drake Room.

If you have concerns about what other students are saying to you or about you, you may wish to speak to the school's Anti-Racism Contact Officer Mrs Dare [Maths staffroom]

The school's sports organisers are Miss White and Mrs Lawson (PDHPE).

The 2025 Captains and Senior Leaders are as follows: 

Captains - Matilda Cole & Jude Cattle

Vice Captains - Pippa Errington & Cameron Rutland

Senior Leaders - Darrell Connellan, Yindyamarra Johnson, Dima Hamka & William Beard

Miss Stuart [Learning Support staffroom - B Block] coordinates the Student Representative Council.

You will also meet and perhaps work with many members of the school administration and support staff during your time at WWHS.