Wagga Wagga High is a uniform school – this means that it is compulsory for you to wear your uniform every day. Our school uniform looks smart and is comfortable and easy to wear. The WWHS uniform is available from the uniform shop at school run by Daylight Schoolwear. Opening times are Tuesday 8:00am - 12:00pm and Thursday 11:30am - 3:30pm. A price list, the uniform code and credit card authorisation can be found by clicking the links below. Uniforms can also be ordered online at:
School shoes must be fully enclosed black leather shoes which cover the whole foot. Canvas shoes, volleys or ballet style slippers do not meet WHS or NSW Department of Education and Communities safety requirements. Students must wear sturdy sports joggers for PDHPE lessons and on Thursdays for weekly school sport. More information about acceptable footwear can be found here (pdf 145 KB).
Students' co-operation with the uniform code is monitored. A student, who regularly comes to school out of uniform, will be placed on the uniform list. If this happens, the student will lose a number of privileges such as not being allowed to attend formals, represent the school in sporting and other teams or go on excursions, etc.
Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.